

1,755 results found

Number Title place of publication Publisher Publication Year Marginal Lines Page Border Size Line and Word Numbers the fold of a rare book page the black “fishtail” in the space between Narrative Portraya Related Information
141 금강반야경소론찬요간정기회편(金剛般若經疏論纂要刊定記會編) 전라 낙안 징광사(澄光寺) 1686 四周雙邊 20.9×14 10行20字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
142 금강반야경소론찬요간정기회편(金剛般若經疏論纂要刊定記會編) 함경 안변 석왕사(釋王寺) 1752 四周單邊 19.4×14.1 10行20字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
143 금강반야경소론찬요간정기회편(金剛般若經疏論纂要刊定記會編) 전라 곡성 태안사(泰安寺) 1801 四周雙邊 20.5×14.5 10行20字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
144 금강반야경소론찬요조현록(金剛般若經疏論纂要助顯錄) 평안 영변 보현사(普賢寺) 1682 四周單邊 22×14.5 10行20字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
145 금강반야론(金剛般若論) 평안 영변 불영대(佛影臺) 1684 四周單邊 22.1×18.2 10行20字 1葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
146 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 전라 광양 백운암(白雲巖) 1474 四周單邊 19.5×15 10行17字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
147 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 황해 장연 천불사(千佛寺) 1576 四周單邊 26×18.1 9行14字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
148 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 불암사(佛巖寺) 1740 四周雙邊 24.5×18 10行20字 上黑魚尾 변상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
149 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 불암사(佛巖寺) 1768 四周單邊 23.5×17.2 10行20字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
150 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 불암사(佛巖寺) 1796 四周雙邊 24.5×18 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
151 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 강원 삼척 명적사(明寂寺) 1827 四周雙邊 19.5×14.8 9行17字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
152 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 오경연(吳慶然) 1880 四周雙邊 20.5×15 10行18字 花紋魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
153 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 변원규(卞元圭) 1888 四周雙邊 20.5×15 10行20字 白魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
154 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 전라 영광 봉정사(鳳停寺) 1901 四周單邊 22.7×16.3 10行21字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
155 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경상 울산 운흥사(雲興寺) 1903 四周單邊 19.2×14.2 10行20字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
156 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 강재희(姜在喜) 1908 四周雙邊 23.5×16.6 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
157 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 경기 양주 강재희(姜在喜) 1911 四周單邊 17.7×12.7 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
158 금강반야바라밀경(金剛般若波羅密經) 전라 화순 개천사(開天寺) 1925 四周單邊 19.5×13 8行17字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
159 금강반야바라밀경_도해(金剛般若波羅密經_圖解) 황해 문화 패엽사(貝葉寺) 1564 四周單邊 26.3×18.6 14行12字 黑魚尾 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
160 금강반야바라밀경_도해(金剛般若波羅密經_圖解) 경상 안동 광흥사(廣興寺) 1570 四周單邊 20.4×21.4 14行12字 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
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