

1,755 results found

Number Title place of publication Publisher Publication Year Marginal Lines Page Border Size Line and Word Numbers the fold of a rare book page the black “fishtail” in the space between Narrative Portraya Related Information
81 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 충청 서산 보원사(普願寺) 1571 四周單邊 19.4×12.3 8行18字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
82 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 황해 곡산 불봉암(佛峰庵) 1581 四周單邊 18.0×13.0 8行18字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
83 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 경상 하동 능인암(能仁庵) 1603 四周單邊 18.5×12.7 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
84 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 경상 영천 팔공산본사(八公山本寺) 1606 四周單邊 18.4×12.6 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
85 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 경기 과천 청계사(淸溪寺) 1623 四周單邊 18.2×12.8 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
86 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 경기 삭녕 용복사(龍腹寺) 1628 四周單邊 17.3×12.4 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
87 고봉화상선요(高峯和尙禪要) 전라 장흥 천관사(天冠寺) 1634 四周單邊 18.8×12.6 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
88 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 충청 은진 쌍계사(雙溪寺) 1565 四周單邊 19×12.8 8行18字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
89 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 동복 안심사(安心寺) 1570 四周單邊 17.5×13 10行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
90 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 평안 영변 보윤암(普潤庵) 1573 四周單邊 18.5×12 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
91 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 황해 문화 월정사(月精寺) 1573 四周單邊 19×13 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
92 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 고산 안심사(安心寺) 1575 四周單邊 17.5×13 10行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
93 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 순천 송광사(松廣寺) 1590 四周單邊 19.6×12.5 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
94 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 경상 하동 능인암(能仁庵) 1604 四周單邊 18.5×12.5 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
95 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 순천 송광사(松廣寺) 1609 四周單邊 18.5×12.5 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
96 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 평안 성천 영천사(靈泉寺) 1630 四周單邊 18.5×13 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
97 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 함경 안변 석왕사(釋王寺) 1633 四周單邊 18.8×12.4 8行18字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
98 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 태인 용장사(龍藏寺) 1635 四周單邊 19.9×13.9 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
99 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 경상 청송 보현사(普賢寺) 1647 四周單邊 18.5×14.8 10行17字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
100 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 강원 회양 표훈사(表訓寺) 1662 四周單邊 17.5×12.5 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
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