

1,755 results found

Number Title place of publication Publisher Publication Year Marginal Lines Page Border Size Line and Word Numbers the fold of a rare book page the black “fishtail” in the space between Narrative Portraya Related Information
181 금강반야바라밀경_오가해(金剛般若波羅密經_五家解) 경상 문경 봉암사(鳳巖寺) 1701 四周單邊 26×18 9行14字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
182 금강반야바라밀경_육조해(金剛般若波羅密經_六祖解) 불명 불명 불명(不明) 1495 四周雙邊 18.2×13.3 9행17자 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
183 금강반야바라밀경_육조해(金剛般若波羅密經_六祖解) 강원 고성 신계사(神溪寺) 1867 四周雙邊 18.2x13.2 9行 17字 上下向黑魚尾 변상/도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
184 금강반야바라밀경_육조해언해(金剛般若波羅密經_六祖解諺解) 경기 한성 간경도감(刊經都監) 1464 四周雙邊 21.3×14.6 8行19字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
185 금강반야바라밀경_육조해언해(金剛般若波羅密經_六祖解諺解) 전라 순창 무량사(無量寺) 1565 四周雙邊 20.4×14.8 8行19字 大黑口 ; 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
186 금강반야바라밀경_육조해언해(金剛般若波羅密經_六祖解諺解) 전라 고산 안심광제원(安心廣濟院) 1575 四周雙邊 20.5×15 8行18字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
187 금강반야바라밀경_음역(金剛般若波羅密經_音譯) 경기 양주 불암사(佛巖寺) 1797 四周雙邊 23.5×16.5 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
188 금강반야바라밀경_전예(金剛般若波羅密經_篆隸) 불명 불명 불명(不明) 18c 四周單邊 24.5×14.2 3행7자 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
189 금강반야바라밀경_집주(金剛般若波羅蜜經_集註) 충청 괴산 공림사(空林寺) 1417 四周單邊 21.5×14.6 6行10字 白魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
190 금강반야바라밀경_천로해(金剛般若波羅密經_川老解) 전라 고창 문수사(文殊寺) 1410 左右雙邊 16×11.3 10行19字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
191 금강반야바라밀경_천로해(金剛般若波羅密經_川老解) 경상 달성 무주암(無住庵) 1426 四周單邊 19.3×12.7 9行20字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
192 금강반야바라밀경_천로해(金剛般若波羅密經_川老解) 경기 광주 봉은사(奉恩寺) 1869 四周雙邊 19.5×12.4 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
193 금강반야바라밀경_한글(금강반야바라밀경_한글) 경기 양주 연사(일련사) 1905 四周雙邊 23.5×16.5 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
194 금강반야바라밀경_한글(금강반야바라밀경_한글) 경기 양주 강재희(姜在喜) 1908 四周雙邊 23.5×16.5 10行21字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
195 금강반야바라밀경정해_구결(金剛般若波羅密經正解_口訣) 경기 불명(不明) 감로사(甘露社) 1883 四周單邊 21.5×14.9 10行20字 上白魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
196 금강산유점사사적기(金剛山楡岾寺事蹟記) 경기 양주 강재희(姜在喜) 1911 四周單邊 19.5×12.5 10行20字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
197 기성대사염불환향곡(箕城大師念佛還鄕曲) 경상 밀양 봉천사(鳳泉寺) 1767 四周單邊 21.6×16.3 9行21字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
198 기성대사청택법보은문(箕城大師請擇法報恩文) 경상 밀양 봉천사(鳳泉寺) 1767 四周單邊 22.2×15.7 9行20字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
199 기신론소과문(起信論疏科文) 함경 안변 석왕사(釋王寺) 1750 四周單邊 22.5×14.5 10行20字 上黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
200 기신본말오중(起信本末五重) 전라 담양 용천사(龍泉寺) 1582 四周單邊 21×17.5 7行10字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
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